Blue Access for Employers

Well onTargetSM

This wellness program is designed to give your employees the tools and support they need, while rewarding them for making healthy choices.

Liveon Member Wellness Portal
The heart of Well onTarget is the Liveon portal, which offers the following innovative programs and tools:

  • Self-directed Courses - Employees can earn Life Points for taking online courses about nutrition, fitness, weight management, tobacco cessation and stress management.
  • Health and Wellness Content - This health library includes information and articles related to living a healthy lifestyle.
  • Tools and Trackers - Employees will have access to interactive tools help stay on course while making wellness fun. They can use interactive health calculators and medical and lifestyle trackers to track their progress.  The Symptom Checker is also available to understand medical symptoms and pinpoint common causes, possible diagnoses and treatments.

Wellness Coaching
Certified health coaches offer you guidance in nutrition, fitness and stress management. You can interact with your coach by phone or send a secured message through the portal.

Health Assessment
The Health Assessment (HA) features questions that will help tailor the Liveon portal with the programs that can help your employees reach their goals.
Life Points Program
With the Life Points program, your employees can earn points by participating in specific wellness activities and achieving goals online. Points can be redeemed in the new online shopping mall.

Fitness Program
The Fitness Program offers your employees unlimited access to a nationwide network of more than 8,000 independently contracted fitness centers.

Well onTarget is a service mark of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company

Onlife Health is an independent company and provides wellness services for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas

The Life Points program is not available to individual plan members.

The Fitness Program is provided by Healthways, Inc., an independent contractor which administers the Prime Network of fitness centers.  The Prime Network is made up of independently-owned and managed fitness centers.

All trademarks and service marks are property of their respective owners.